
Showing posts from March, 2023

Hundred Reasons Why I Love You.

 Hundred Reasons Why I Love You. It is a cute idea to give a gift of hundred reasons to love your someone special. They can be you spouse or boy or girlfriend.  So here I am going to make a list of hundred points. You have to copy them and write them on hundred small chits or small heart shaped pieces of paper. Pack them in Beautifully decorated box or glass jar.  I hope this gift is going to be loved by your special person. So give it a try and let me know in the comments how it worked for you. So here is your list: Hundred reasons why I love you. 1: Because of the sincerity in your eyes. 2: Your cuteness. 3: You are kind hearted. 4:  My eyes wanna see you all the time. 5: You always stand by my side. 6: Because of the melody in your voice. 7: Because you have brought spring in my life. 8: You remember every little moment we spent together. 9:  Because of your lovely gifts 😜 10: You always try your best to elevate my mood. 11: You are so smart. 12: You are so humble. 13: You always h